Fork in the Road Farm
We are a permaculture farm operation still seeking land to launch our operations. We will serve our community in a number of capacities, and we will serve the broader ecosystem of businesses by supplying and sourcing the best vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, and dairy products that we possibly can.
What is Permaculture
Simply put, permculture is a way of thinking and living and farming that treats the land as a whole and vibrant organism that needs to be nourished as such. Practically speaking, inputs are minimalized and provided by the local land itself, and there are never any chemicals used in the production of anything.
The key to permaculture is that you can’t rush anything and you can’t force the land to do anything it wouldn’t normally do. We won’t be growing pineapples outside in the wintertime! Nor will there be a mad dash beyond our entry upon the property…because excitement is allowed!
our present status
we have experience in farming but we are currently farmers without land. We are seeking the right property with a number of caveats and requirements, so it has been a long and slow search. What we need most is investors to believe in our concept enough to help us make it happen.
Short-term plans, day zero-the end of year 2
- hirew a farm manager
- procure land
- finalize our seed buys
- finalize our equipment buys
- hire staff
- start planting row crops
- buy and plant 2-year old trees of many varieties of fruits and nuts
- repair or build chicken and goat housing as well as a modular chicken tractor
- purchase our first flock of laying hens
- purchase our first herd of milking goats
- start working in tandem with our concepts to grow and procure what they need and want
What about the medium-term? Years 3-5?
Our medium-term plans involve moving with the seasons and adding some key pieces of infrastructure.
By year five, we hope to have in place:
- at least four container farms
- infrastucture built for aquaponic systems
- quail runs (and the quail to fill them)
- turkey pens (and the turkeys to boot)
- expanded offerings in terms of fruit, nuts, and other tree-bourne products
- a full dairy and cheesemaking operation
- on-site housing for students and/or staff
- a series of tiny homes for visiting staff
Our long-term plans are exciting...
By year ten, we hope to have a vibrant, fully-divesified farm operation, complete with no less than 40 enterprises in total. We also hope to have built out a retreat space, improved dormitories, and will be looking to years 15 and beyond for our expansion oppotunities, including the purchase of neighboring land, or land that is not adjacent but will serve our purposes of supporting profitability and the region’s overall ecological health, and improving stewardship of even more land as time goes by.
Where does the rest of the ecosystem fit into all of this?
one major component of permaculture that I have neglected to mention is the human component. for too long, humanity has forgotten that we are a part of the landscape, and our emotional and social well being is part and parcel of the stewardship we provide. By the conscious inclusion of human wellness into our farming operations from day one we make our space and both our literal and business ecosystems more resilient and robust then they would be otherwise.
A Diverse Working Farm With Big Plans
From humble beginnings…or so the saying starts. This is us. Building a permaculture farm to support six food and beverage operations in the space of just a few years. High hopes for a volatile industry, bourne through academic training, tutelage on some of the Northwest’s best farming operations, and through years of experience growing food and stewardship of the land. Check out our plans below.

Stay tuned for a bit about the origin of the farming concept, and where all of this Fork in the Road business came from
What We Offer
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Membership
Coming Soon! In the meantime, please consider supporting us through Fork in the Road Medicinals or with a generous donation, or by investing in our shared future.
We will be offering a generous “csa-like” subscription to local restaurants….just not yet.
Year-round Produce from our Container Farms
We will, within the first three years, have at least two container farms, all of which will enable us to grow more stuff, more of the year. Stay tuned!
Aquaculture Operations
We will, by year seven, be growing out fish on the property, which will in turn create much more feritlity on-site than we would otherwise, thereby diminishing our carbon footprint even further. PLEASE stay tuned!
Outstanding Work Culture and Benefits Packages
Consider coming in on the ground floor. We are seeking a number of “pre-revenue” staff and management. Send me (Shawn) your resume/CV and a cover letter detailing your qualifications, as well as a link to a short video telling me why you you might want to work with FITR and in what capacity. I promise, I will take you seriously, and I promise, I will respond to every submission.
An Opportunity...
For staff to work at a very special place that will have a massive impact, near and far…
For investors to put their cash…and their values…to work for a truly noble cause…
For those that donate to give of themselves in a way that propagates and supports their own values…
For anyone involved…to be a part of something truly special and a legacy they can be proud of.