Fork in the Road Medicinals
As the first of the ecosystem businesses to open, we have quite the mission. To help bootstrap the entire ecosystem, and make it look easy…
Our Values at Fork in the Road
They're not complex or unintelligible or even particularly clever..
What they are is an honest and authentic expression of our personal duty to care and to share the natural world and that of plants as openly and transparently as possible, with as many humans as possible.
These inform our every action, and as a result, define us as a company
…and community.
Man’s use of herbs mirrors our evolution…
What this means is we have a connection with the plant kingdom and all of its nuances and mysteries. It is our birthright to relish in the bounty that is the world of plants in general, much less the ecstasy of the herbal world.
This may sound all a bit hocus-pocus, but the reverence we share with plants comes back to us. We offer thanks any time we harvest a plant, asking for its permission and imbuing it with intention and strength and constitution of spirit.
Seriously I do.
You’ll thank me someday.

Fork in the Road Medicinals Offers the Following
A wealth of knowledge and a desire to share that knowledge
What good is it when you’re with someone who knows lots of stuff but they make you feel uncomfortable and “less than” when they try to share that info?
You can bank on an approachable, comfortable session with us, whether it be over the phone or via zoom…of even if you’re just buying a tincture. Transparency of knowledge is a key value here.
The Best Possible Ingredients from the Best Possbile Sources
Until we can grow our own, we source our product 1st) From farmers we know and land we traverse, then 2nd) Through reputable sources with clear supply chains.
No B.S.
No smoke and mirrors.
No games.
It’s not jsut a marketing scheme for us.
Tinctures and Remedies that are more concentrated than the industry standard
the most common concentration of herbal remedies out there is 1:5, meaning for every one part of herb ‘x’ there are 5 parts of the solvent used (like ethyl alcohol or glycerin).
We make tinctures (usually) that are 1:3, sometimes even 1:2. This means you can take a smaller dose, spend less money on our product (dollar for dollar) and need to replace our product less often.
Value is one of our values.
This is the truth and we stand by it, even if it sounds funny.
Formulations that are well informed and researched and full of the power of synergy
When you put two or more things together and the action they produce is greater than the sum of its parts…that’s synergy. You’ll find it all over the herbal world, and we love to tap into it.
Transparency of Process and Action, Stringent Privacy Protocols
If you decide to add Fork in the Road to your regular healthcare regimen, you can count on being told the truth, a complete and total lack of obfuscation, and the absolute right to say no…to anything. This includes my interactions with the rest of your care team, where you can expect privacy as rigid as HIPAA guidelines call for.
The oppoertunity to be as involved with our business as you want to be
You may want to volunteer or go on a foraging trip…or not get involved outside of your purchase at all. It’s up to you. It doesn’t affect our care for your purchase or your well being. We’re here for you however you need us to be. Period.
It’s more than just tinctures and salves and compresses to us. We believe in the power of herbs to bring people together, and for that connection to propagate and spread. Ultimately, this is the best synergy of all and we see it all the time. I hope you’ll join us.

FOR NOW, unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, you’ll have to reach out to me to inquire as to our available items. Once you email us, we will send you some product sheets corresponding to our major product lines. Feel free to ask as many questions as you would like.
When you’re ready to place an order, just send us an email and we’ll get you squared away.
For the first few months, the only way I can accept payment is through CashApp.
to join us as a client, please email us.
during your intake interview, we will cover how we can best communicate with you in whatever format you decide is best.
To get involved with us, send us an email with:
1) a brief blurb about yourself,
2) a description of what it is you’d like to be doing with us, and,
3) how long you’d like this commitment to last, all formatted into a single .doc, .docx, .pdf file
Once we compare this to how our plans could integrate, we’ll get back to you ASAP.